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Coaching is a collaborative conversation that helps you gain clarity and insight.

It is focused purely on your agenda. It is not about giving advice or making suggestions. Coaching helps you to identify specifically what you want to achieve, where you are currently and will help you discover the right way to move forward and make progress.

Coaching presupposes that you know the right answers; that all the resources are within and the coach supports you to find these answers.

Coaching is non-judgemental. The coach will ask many structured and clean questions, working with you to find the answers and solutions that are most appropriate for you.

The coaching sessions are structured to ensure that new skills and behaviours are transferred back into the workplace and/or the home environment and these new behaviours will be witnessed early in the coaching relationship.

You will be personally responsible for identifying what changes are required and you will be coached and supported during the coaching sessions, by additional telephone and email support in between actual sessions.

DISC profiles describe human behaviour in various situations, for example how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, your preferred pace and how you respond to rules and procedures.

Reports that are second to none for depth or quality. Enhanced reports cover an extensive range of topics, with the centrepiece being a detailed description of a personality written in plain language and tailored to a person’s specific DISC test results.

The profiles are great for team building, employee communication, conflict management, motivation, productivity, coaching and career development, a DISC profile will help you understand and appreciate your working style and the styles of the people you work with, helping you to create strategies for overcoming challenges when working with people of different personality styles.

One of Tickety Boo’s experts will explain the findings and give you a fuller understanding of the nuances of your profile report within a coaching environment.

The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TIEQue) measures fifteen emotional traits concerning Well-Being, Self-Control, Emotionality and Sociability.

TIEQue can help your business understand employees’ emotions and how they approach the emotions of others in the workplace.

Detailed Reports will allow you to understand a person’s strengths and limitations, how they react under pressure, how well they develop new relationships and how self-motivated and adaptable they are.

The TIEQue is used for a number of purposes, including appraisals, leadership training, work and life coaching, talent development, measuring employee morale, team building, recruitment and many more.
Assessment type: Emotional Intelligence
Format: 153 questions
Time to complete: 30 minutes
Training required: TIEQue Accreditation
Validation: Registered with the British Psychological Society ad audited against criteria established by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations

A fully qualified Tickety Boo Training Expert will explain your report so that you better understand Emotional Intelligence. To highlight tools and techniques to help you to further develop your own levels of EQ and to fully understand the developmental recommendations in your own EQ report.

360 Degree Feedback, also known as multi-level or multi-source feedback, is a process whereby feedback on an individual’s behaviour and effectiveness is obtained, in a structured way, from a number of colleagues with whom that individual has worked, and with whom they have different working relationships.

The people providing feedback can include direct reports, peers, managers and sometimes, external clients. Feedback is provided on a consistent set of criteria through responding to a set of statements or questions, generally using a rating scale.

There is also an opportunity to provide free-style comments and examples to support the ratings given. Normally, the individual also completes a self-review which allows them to reflect on, and assess, their own performance by responding to the same statements or questions as the people giving them feedback.

Statements or questions are normally related to key behaviours and skills which are valued in the organisation.

What are the benefits of 360 Degree Feedback? Receiving feedback from a number of different people and levels in the organisation, and giving feedback to each other, is fairer than just one person’s judgement as it:

• Provides a formal structure for the natural observation process
• Helps to ensure that everyone is judged on the same criteria
• Encourages and supports open discussion
• Identifies areas of strength, and areas for growth and development
• Increases self-awareness and insight
• Develops people’s observation and feedback skills
• Encourages a culture, where giving and receiving feedback is the norm

The 360 Degree Feedback process and resulting report is primarily a tool to support discussion with the individual’s line manager, team-mates, mentor, or others involved in their development. It should not be used as a stand-alone measure of behaviour or effectiveness, and care needs to be taken, both in giving feedback and in understanding and interpreting the results of that feedback.

Our Tickety Boo Training expert will discuss your personal 360 feedback results within a one to one meeting with a focus on using the feedback to develop necessary skills and competencies.

Executive Coaching


pers coaching

Personal development


Team development